Darkest dungeon abomination group
Darkest dungeon abomination group

It screams like a dying animal too, because of course it does. It's implied she's of similar breed to the Cleric Beast, which is likewise antlered, but is a towering wendigo with a massively over-sized left arm.

  • Vicar Amelia is an emaciated, screaming, wolf-reindeer-thing that you get the good fortune of seeing explode out of a priestess.
  • The various beasts are probably the best examples, being the product of lycanthropy getting bored of the usual wolfmen it creates and deciding to take a stroll straight into Lovecraft territory.
  • The Gohma resemble demonic versions of various animals with black skin and massive red veins all over their bodies and the smallest and weakest one of them is a gorilla.
  • darkest dungeon abomination group

    The Golden Spider, who is actually Chakravartin in disguise.

    darkest dungeon abomination group

    The Alpaca in Alpaca Evolution becomes increasingly Lovecraftian as it assimilates other alpacas, angels, and even God.Alone in the Dark (1992) has "Zombie Chickens", which actually more resemble Velociraptors.Someone heard the phrase "there's more than one way to skin a cat" and decided to try them all.

    Darkest dungeon abomination group