Diablo 3 eternal edition review
Diablo 3 eternal edition review

diablo 3 eternal edition review

Diablo 3 was met with controversy upon its initial release coming out somewhat undercooked with an aggressively integrated “auction house” that let players sell their in game items and an always online requirement, the initial reaction to the title was not positive at all. Add to this latter list Diablo 3: Eternal Collection, a port of Blizzards 2012 loot-em-up, the third entry in its now 22 year old ARPG series. Now, I’m not going to argue with that – the console has seen its fair share of ports from Nintendo’s souped up conversions of Wii U games, to classics that have never graced a Nintendo console before, like Dark Souls and Wolfenstein.

diablo 3 eternal edition review

There’s a bit of a running joke that the Switch is the go-to place if you want to play old games, given the sheer amount of ports coming to Nintendo’s little hybrid machine.

Diablo 3 eternal edition review